Defining Our Agency Culture

In the start of 2023, we made a pledge to refine how we do things so that we can break the status quo and do what we love to do without costing our wellbeing. After a year of working towards becoming a wellness-first workplace, we recognise that we need to be clearer and firm on our values and approach in order for us to constantly design solid strategies and creative content.

3 Things To Look For In A Social Media Agency

Finding the right agency to work with is one of the most important investment decisions you have to make and it’s one not to be made lightly. If you are in the position of looking to hire an agency, we have listed the important things to look for before signing with them.

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Social Media Agency

There’s no denying that small businesses and startups often mean limited resources. This means that business owners have to wear different hats from operations to marketing. While being resilient and resourceful is admirable, it’s also important to acknowledge that there's only so much you can do by yourself. Here are a few reasons why you should hire a social media agency to build your online presence.

Common Social Media Roles Explained

The first step in working with someone to support your brand’s social media is knowing what type of help you exactly need. Right at the very beginning, expectations and requirements must be set straight to avoid any misunderstanding and disappointment. Whilst there are hybrid superstars out there who crossover from one role or responsibility to another, it is important to know that not everyone is the same. Here’s a list of four common in-demand social media roles and their respective job descriptions.

Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022

Here's a recap of our 2021 highlights and our plans for the new year.

Here’s Why Brands Should Take A Conscious Approach To Social Media

2020 had been an eventful year for everyone all around the world. From facing an environmental crisis, BLM protests, societal distress and not to mention the global pandemic, humanity faced a lot of pressing issues and concerns that made us rethink our values and how we live our lives. We became more conscious.

How To Keep Up With The Changes And Stay Ahead Of The Social Media Game

The rise of short-form videos, the always-changing safety management measures, Squid Game, the list goes on... There are so many changes that happen in the world of social media on a daily basis both from an industry and a cultural standpoint. What do you do when there's just way too much change?